Monday, May 20, 2013

May 12th, Fly to Frankfurt

We're flying to Philly, then overnight to Frankfurt, Germany to start our trip!

5/12     Sunday
            Got up early, ready to go. Last thing was to turn off the water, where Bob found a leaky valve. Great. Got it fixed enough & left for the airport. Leisurely pace.
I had my knee brace on as I went through security, & of course it set off the alarm. I couldn’t pull the pants leg up over it, so I volunteered to go through a patdown. This, with the attending consultations between the agent & her supervisor only took a half hour or so. Deemed no threat, finally, we boarded our plane. The views over the countryside were delightful, following the highway, over the Lehigh Tunnel, into Philly. Close to the NY border, gas drill pad sites filled the farmlands. A short time later we could see an expanse of windmills. Approaching the airport, Three Mile Island’s nuclear towers spewed steam along the Susquehanna.
The flight to Europe was overbooked so we stepped up to be bumped & got a voucher for $1500. Unfortunately, Bob got the agent at the desk who was the least competent of them all. First she mishandled the processing, then she dialed the wrong number for the help desk & spent a half hour waiting to get through before another agent noticed & corrected the call.
            Our plane taxied out, then turned around due to a “mechanical anomaly” words you just don’t want to hear on an airplane. The potential for a 10 hours on the tarmac nightmare wafted through the air. But we were only delayed for a hour or so, then on our way with no further problems. We had very comfortable seats for our flight, just two together away from the numerous babies & toddlers in the plane.  Usual overnight flight ensues.

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