Monday, May 20, 2013


Welcome to our 2013 Vacation blog! We're traveling in Europe this summer so we decided to start a blog so friends and relatives can keep track of our adventures. If you want to keep posted on our progress, just enter your email address at the top of the blog page under 'Follow us' and you'll get notified of all new posts. Of course any comments you have on any posts are welcome, just click on the post title and add your comment at the end of the page.

We're posting text, pictures, and videos. Some of the videos can be long, there's not enough time to edit the videos when you're on the road. Maybe when we get back I'll edit them to a short version, but for now you're stuck with raw video! We're using our smart phone for the videos so it's cell phone quality. It's Dogma style, a technique started in Denmark where everything was filmed in natural light with hand held cameras. Here we're not even using hand held cameras, just a cell phone with a small aperture and electronic zoom, with, in our case, no video editing. Bob wanted to call this technique 'Dogma squared', as simple as you can get, but Patricia liked the name 'Catma' better. So 'Catma' it using a cell phone, natural light, and minimal editing, if any. Again, some of the Catma videos are long, we just put the phone on a table and let it record for 10 or 15 minutes. This is true 'Catma', just get the ambiance of the situation without any narration. Most of the videos are shorter but strung together into one long daily video. These are mostly narrated by Bob with Patricia's comments.

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