Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Oct 10th, Venice Murano Glass

10/10   Thursday
            It’s just a glorious day, cool and sunny, a perfect day for a Murano boat ride. We have a slow tour of the side canals of Venice, working our way out to the bay. On the way to Murano, we pass the cemetery, an entire island given for burials. That would certainly be an interesting visit. It’s all behind a high brick wall, so we’re left wondering how the graves are done in this below-sea level city.
            Murano is very appealing, with all the charms of Venice here on a smaller scale. Despite the touring crowds, the island has an easy, relaxing feel to it. Of course, nearly every shop is selling glass. Some of it is low-end souvenir stuff, others are extraordinary art glass. We’re disappointed that there don’t seem to be any working factory tours or demonstrations. In fact, there’s very little done in the way of directions or advertising for anything, one just walks around to find whatever. We manage to get to the Museum of Glass, once again occupying a former palace. They have a short video showing some glassworking, and several rooms of historic glass of various eras and styles. Overall, though, it’s presented with almost no interpretation or explanations, and few labels on the glass pieces. It’s difficult to match the descriptive information with the work it describes. We are certainly spoiled from our experience with the Corning Glass Museum, but still, a few labels wouldn’t kill anybody.
            We spend the afternoon strolling around the city, browsing at the shops and glass art. There are signs everywhere protesting shops that sell glass from outside Murano. Cheap imports are a threat for every market.
            We’re happy to have another boat ride to get us back to Venice. The light is changing as the days get shorter, and everything looks beautiful from the railing of a boat.

1 Video Included

 Venice Murano Glass

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