Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sept 23rd, Rome to Florence

9/23     Monday
            Bob has been busy on the internet, scoping out travel deals for us. We have reserved seats on the fast train to Florence, not first class, but extremely comfy. Florence looks very interesting and sophisticated, even at first glance. We find out that there’s a major bike race going on this very week, the UCI Road World Championship Race, a very big deal in the cycling world, with all the brand-name elite cyclists attending. The race has several segments coursing through the middle of the city, so it will be interesting to see how this affects us.
            We are met at the station by Marisol, our host’s English-speaking daughter and her boyfriend, who bring us to our very nice little apartment. It’s a fourth-floor walk-up on a quiet street in a residential-commercial neighborhood, only a mile or so from the city’s Cathedral. It’s very Italian, with big old furniture pieces instead of the usual IKEA stuff. Our host Valeria, welcomes us.
            When everyone has left, we browse over the sheet of instructions left on the counter. It’s just the usual, except to note that the chairs in the bedroom are old and delicate, so please don’t sit on them. I don’t know, telling your tenants not to use the furniture seems just a little, well, NUTS. Take the stupid chairs away! We maneuver around them like they’re made of matchsticks and Elmer’s glue, ready to collapse into an insurance claim any minute.

 1 Video Included

Train Rome to Florence

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