Sunday, November 3, 2013

Oct 20th, Verona Easy Sunday

10/20   Sunday
            It’s a nice fall day, not sunny, but hazy and still warm. All the families are out today, strollers and little dogs everywhere. We walk into the town and stop at the book fair again. We listen to an author interview, actually not an interview, but a young man talking non-stop for about fifteen minutes, then pausing to read a few pages from his novel. It’s all in Italian, so we really don’t understand him, but I think the book is a historical or fantasy romance. There were allusions to horsemen and falcons, I think.
            We enjoy a cappuccino, watching the people in the market square, then stroll over the old bridge to the neighborhood across the river. People are out having Sunday dinner in the trattorias and bistros. It starts to rain a little as we’re walking towards home. We manage to get inside just before we hear thunder, and it rains harder.
            We can have an easy evening, gathering up our stuff and packing. We’ll have a last dinner on our balcony, and hope the clouds let the moon shine through a little.

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