Friday, November 15, 2013

Oct 27th, Frankfurt

10/27   Sunday
            We have a relaxing catching-up sort of day. Bob scouts out the train station and airport layout to make sure we have everything figured out for departure tomorrow while I stay in the hotel and work on this journal. The weather is very changeable, almost sunny, then almost stormy.
            We don’t get out until late afternoon, and by then it’s a beautiful fall evening, with a light breeze over the Main River, and clouds picking up the pinks and purples of the setting sun. We walk along the riverfront park, with all the others out enjoying their Sunday. There was a big marathon in the city today, so people with finishing medals and running tights are all around. We find a little stone storefront selling coffees and beers, so we stop for a couple nice weissibers and sit at a picnic table to watch the river for a while. A tugboat cruises slowly by, blasting some heavy metal hair band music for all to enjoy. Can’t place the band though, not Guns n Roses, maybe Poison or White Snake.
            We continue on to our restaurant, Dem Germalten Haus, for dinner. The place is full of locals watching a soccer game, but we find a table in one of the back rooms, really cozy. The whole restaurant is done in rustic maple wood, full of ruddy faced, white haired Germans, with lots of tables full of young people too, and it’s a big place. The waiter is working his “Mad Waiter” shtick, and says “Eight o’clock, I need the table! Eight!” But it’s only six, so we have plenty of time. We order our pork chops and applewine, and we are set for the evening.

1 Video Included


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