Friday, November 15, 2013

Oct 28th, Frankfurt to USA

10/28   Monday
            Heading home! Our flight is at noon, plenty of time to get up and out. No issues as we get our train to the airport and work our way through security. Our seats on the plane are pretty comfortable, just two together, and the plane is maybe half full. Each seat has its own video, so we can watch movies or tv or listen to music. So everything is pretty quiet for the next eight hours.
            We arrive at Philadelphia with five hours to wait for our flight home. We almost need five hours to get through customs and security again! Several international flights seem to have landed together, and the place is very crowded. We’re making our way through the queue when an adorable little ICE beagle comes up to Bob & sits, happily pawing at his tote bag. Hmmm. “Any fruit Sir?” Fortunately Bob had declared his bananas and ham sandwich, so we are merely diverted to the Agriculture lane, where everything is mercilessly discarded. Good Dog!
            Getting through the scanners causes all sorts of anxiety for people trying to make a connecting flight. We let a family with two babies go ahead of us, setting off a loud stream of prayers from a woman behind us. Apparently God will make sure she gets on her plane.
            After our flight in darkness, we arrive safely home from our long trip. My mother, who has been waiting for this day the whole time, is anxiously waiting for us to deplane. She greets us with relief and a hug and off we go.

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