Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sept 7th, Thessaloniki to Igoumenitsa

9/7       Saturday
We had no trouble walking down the hill with our packs for a few blocks to the bus stop, and only waited for five minutes before our bus came along. At 7am, the bus was nearly empty. The bus station seemed so far away and remote when we arrived at night last Monday, but now we can see that it’s just outside of the city center, actually very convenient.
The trip across Greece goes smoothly, no stops. We are surprised at mountainous the country is, quite rugged and beautiful. The highway runs through one tunnel after another, some of them very long, and with only a few hundred feet to the next one. It’s like being in a subway. It must have been a long and difficult road to build.
When we arrive at the ferry port town of Igoumenitsa, Bob calls our hotel, Holiday Zigos, and the owner comes right away to pick us up. We’re just a few blocks away and right across the street from the ferry to Italy. We have a little apartment, not just a hotel room. Joanna, his wife, brings us a platter of fresh fruit and cold bottled water to welcome us.
We walk over to the port to scope out our ferry for tomorrow. We’re leaving at 6am, or 6:30, or 5:30, it seems to “depend.” One ticket agent tells us to come two hours ahead for our five am boat. We wouldn’t need our hotel after all if we were just up all night for the boat. Another woman tells us we can check in Sunday at 9pm, and be at the ferry for a 5am departure, a more manageable situation, despite the early hour.
So, that accomplished, we walk along the waterfront to explore our little city of Igoumenitsa. It’s ferociously hot and everything is shut down for the afternoon. We do find a pleasant waterside café for an iced tea break, but the hoped-for beach is too far off to even be seen. There doesn’t seem to be much available as a local bus or taxi, either. We give up and walk back along a block landward, where there are more shops (closed) and cafes, restaurants and bakeries. It seems like quite a tourist destination with dozens and dozens of tavernas and such, but there’s not a soul to be seem at the moment.
We just give up, totally overheated, and go home to our hotel to shower and wait for sunset. When it finally arrives, it becomes beautifully cool and breezy. There’s a nice restaurant near our hotel with wooden tables and checkered tablecloths, where we sit outside and enjoy a plate of grilled sardines for dinner.

1 Video Included

Bus Thessaloniki to Igoumenitsa

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