Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Aug 13th, Sofia Archaeological Museum

8/13     Tuesday
            For some reason, booking our next apartment is taking forever. There are plenty of places available, but as soon as we settle on one, we find something problematic about it, no AC, noisy disco nearby, shared balcony. One is just gorgeous, all new, but the “kitchen” is a counter with a sink, no appliances or means of cooking anything. We ask the host about it, thinking he might be interested in getting a hot plate or something, but no, he’s all “eh, whatever.”
After a couple hours of this, we give up and walk to the city center where we find the Archeology Institute’s Museum. This is a very impressive collection, set in a building that might have been a church, with a high domed and vaulted ceiling. There are fragments and statues, jewelry, icons and frescos, from the Stone Age to the 17th Century. Bob enjoys it quite a lot.
There’s a nice garden café at the museum, where we stop for a Fanta. An American family with two noisy young boys comes in and sits at the table next to us. There’s relaxing techno music playing at the café, though, so we manage to not hear them.

 1 Video Included

Sofia Archaeological Museum

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