Thursday, August 8, 2013

Aug 1st, Belgrade Tesla and Zepter

8/1       Thursday
The Tesla museum is not far from our apartment. The few blocks make an interesting walk as we pass a number of Embassies and hostels, sharing the neighborhood, which we think is sort of odd.
At the museum, there’s a tour going on, and people are waiting for it to finish before they can get their entry tickets. The rooms are arranged in a circle around a center stairway, all open, with no waiting room. We walk around the exhibits while we wait for the tour. The guide is an aggressive, loud young man who takes his job very seriously. He stops the tour to come right over to tell some people to please Keep Quiet He Is Giving A TOUR! We can actually see and hear the whole thing. He fires up a giant Tesla core in the middle of the room, sending sparks out and lighting up fluorescent lights. “No saber fighting, please, they are not so durable!” Ha ha. The exhibit has some models and documents, and a lot of photos and papers from Tesla’s death and funeral, and the story of shipping his belongings back to Yugoslavia.
When the tour is finally over, we ask if there are more exhibits, and when the next tour is. We find out that the next tour is in Serbian, and the first floor is the whole museum. Well, since we’ve seen and heard most of it, we consider this museum done.
Back on the Knez Mihailova, we pass a fancy building with a sign for the Zepter Museum, so we take a look. We can’t tell what the original use of the building was, perhaps offices, but it’s fairly opulent, lots of marble columns and carved doorways. Now, it’s housing a Contemporary Art collection. It’s all very interesting work, primarily regional artists. We spend an hour or so enjoying the exhibition.

1 Video Included

Belgrade Zepter Museum

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