Saturday, August 24, 2013

Aug 17th, Sofia Military Museum

8/17     Saturday
There’s nothing Bob likes so much as a yard full of decommissioned aircraft, so we go to spend our day at the Museum of Military History. This place is not so hard to find, and we have a pleasant walk through the city to get there. We come up to it from a back street. It’s so odd to be walking along a block of apartments and find yourself staring into the barrels of a dozen anti-aircraft guns.
The museum is large, with the grounds full of tanks, planes, amphibious trucks and missile launchers covering several blocks. The building of exhibits is five stories full. The exhibits start in Roman times, and works through the centuries of warfare in Bulgaria. There are military uniforms, swords, guns, maps, dioramas, sounds of guns firing, soldiers charging, lots of huge paintings of battle scenes. We climb the stairs to the next floor, and the next, it goes on and on. On the top floor, there is a special collection of swords and guns from a private donor. Then we have an unusual exhibit in a room full of military awards, medals and ribbons. Some of them are very pretty.

 1 Video Included

Sofia Military Museum

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