Thursday, August 29, 2013

Aug 24th, Pomorie Beach Day

8/24     Saturday
We need another day at the beach, pretty much a repeat of the others, yet every time, the sea is new. Today we have soft, rolling crests with very little surf. Not so dramatic, but highly enjoyable. I can see schools of small fish all round us in the water. We wonder why we don’t see anyone seriously fishing, just a few tourists on the jetties throwing a line into the sea. There are hundreds of small fishing boats that go out, so maybe none of the local people care to fish for fun. It’s also odd that there are just a handful of leisure boats or sailboats in the harbor, and none out on the water on a gorgeous weekend afternoon.
We stop on the way home to buy a watermelon from the old man on our street. On every journey from Croatia to Bulgaria, we’ve been passing fruit stands full of watermelon. In some towns we’d see a wagon full of melons at every block. And yet we have had none! This must end; we are having some melon before we leave this land!
We go once more to our local restaurant for grilled fish for dinner. Tonight, the local kids are having a feud, one has done something Very Wrong, and another boy is furious. He grabs the kid and gives him four or five good smacks in the head. Problem solved, they all continue their street games.
In the town, the music festival is still on. We stop to enjoy the blind young lady again, and several others, mostly young people, all talented. The stage has an incredible sound system, and all the music comes across beautifully. The evening is pleasantly cool, with the waning moon coming up over the sea.

1 Video Included

Pomorie Beach Day

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