Friday, August 9, 2013

Aug 2nd, Belgrade Military Museum

8/2       Friday
A military museum is Bob’s idea of a good time, and there’s a big one at the Fortress. We’re having another hot day, so we walk slowly down the avenue to the fort and into the museum, which has no air conditioning. It’s a large, old building and the exhibits are arranged in a maze of hallways through the whole place. It starts with the city’s earliest history of Stone Age weapons and moves through the years, one war after another. The last exhibit holds an American pilot’s gear and bits of a Stealth fighter that was shot down during the NATO bombings, or NATO Aggression, as it’s labeled.
Our next goal is the Museum of Contemporary Art, a bit of a walk over a busy bridge to a park across the river. We pass through an interesting part of the city, a bit like lower Manhattan.  The bridge is full of traffic, but there’s a nice breeze across the water. There’s a river walk on the other side, big trees, people biking and rollerblading, but not a crowd at all. Along the water are the Barge bars, various derelict paddle boats, tour cruisers, floating bunkers, made into discos and tiki bars for the summer.
When we find the museum, we’re stunned. It’s a modern, concrete structure, sitting empty and closed on an unmowed, fenced-off lot. Oh well. Take this one off the tourist maps. Perhaps it’s a recent closing. We head back to the riverwalk, and decide to stop in one of the few bars open in the daytime, most of these bars open at midnight. “sPLAY” is a swanky, gauzy, place with electronic music and lounge beds. It’s a pleasant enough spot for a sparkling water break.

 1 Video Included

Belgrade Military Musuem

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