Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Aug 22nd, Pomorie Lamb

8/22     Thursday
            Beach day once again. The waves are pretty wild today, so we stay on the harbor side with the rest of the babies.
As we head home after a few hours, we catch the distinct smell of roasted lamb. There’s a restaurant overlooking the beach with a great charcoal fueled firepit, with a spit full of chicken, and another with a whole lamb. This is the place for dinner tonight!
We come back around 7:30, to find that all the inside tables are reserved, but we have a place at a picnic table outside next to the firepit, with a view of the sea, that suits us much better. Soon, the whole place is full. We order a dinner of lamb and wait.
Suddenly, there’s a commotion of ringing bells and a sort of Bulgarian bagpipe. The lamb is ready! The chef leads a gang of lamb-bearers who carry the whole beast on the spit through every corner of the restaurant, stopping ceremoniously to rotate the spit every few paces. They know how to make a scene, that’s for sure. We all pay homage to the lamb, and they take it off to the kitchen. Our order arrives soon after, a big chunk. We have successfully completed our roasted lamb experience.

1 Video Included

Pomorie Lamb

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