Saturday, July 20, 2013

July 14th, Hvar Music Fest

7/14     Sunday
            I wake up with a bad sore throat, oncoming cold. I stay in bed and sleep until 2pm. I feel better, so we walk out to see what’s happening with the Electronic Music Fest. The harbor is packed with boats. We can hear a rhythmic hum throughout the city, and the promenade is streaming with determined-looking fest-goers, toting bags of snacks and water and bottles of vodka and/or tequila. We can walk right up to the bridge over the hotel pool, behind the stage, where the music is fully available to all, despite the blocking canopies on the fence. No VIP pass required. It’s early, though, and nothing exciting is happening yet. Electronic music gets dull fairly quickly, not unlike an all-day Reggae party without the ganja.
            We watch the antics of some of the yachters pre-partying on their boats. It certainly seems like some of them are not going to make it through the night without getting a punch in the nose. A happily obnoxious crowd.
            Back home for our last evening. Dalia is making dinner for us! She explains, the fish she wanted to make was not available, so she is cooking OCTOPUS, it needs to cook longer, is this ok? Oh, yes! Is ok!
            She sets our table for the three of us and serves us a wonderful dinner. She gives us a traditional aperitif of a homemade sour cherry liqueur, from her grandmother’s recipe. We have Carpaccio of anchovies, fresh, light and delicious little fish. Then our octopus, roasted in red wine with baby potatoes, incredibly tasty. Desert is crepes with plum jam, flavored with zest of wild oranges. We have such a good time talking with her. I tell her, “Dalia, if we lived here, you and I would be good friends!” She agrees.

1 Video Included

Hvar Music Fest

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