Friday, July 26, 2013

July 19th, City Walls

7/19     Friday
            If we’re going to walk the City walls, today’s the day to get it done. We start out relatively early to avoid the afternoon sun and crowds, but it’s going to be hot and crowded no matter what. It’s still a great site to visit. There are about two miles of walls around the town, with turrets and lookouts, occasional small shops, and lots of photo opportunities. At one spot, there’s a young guy with a speaker set and videographer, doing a wild dub-step routine. He runs though it several times, getting hotter and more exhausted for each take. He is a fun sight, though. We take about two hours to make the route, enjoying it very much.
We wind our way through the crowds to go out, stopping at the fountains to fill our water bottles with cold spring water, one of the fun activities available for free. Our bus comes right along. We see that the city puts the effort into managing the crowds. The buses run every ten or fifteen minutes, so we don’t wait at all. We have a tour to another side of the city, on the hills beyond the harbor at our apartment, where there are large resort hotels and condos.
We walk through park-like grounds to the Copacabana beach. It’s a crowded swim park, with water toys, inflated climbing walls and bouncy rafts for kids. Still, we manage to find a good spot. We commence with our business of swimming and relaxing.

1 Video Included

City Wall

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