Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 7th, Coffee and Ice Cream

7/7       Sunday
            A quiet day for our last swim in Omiš. We have a nice time cooling off at the beach. When we get home, our host invites us to join then for some coffee and ice cream and to go over the details for getting back to Split.
            We enjoy some conversation with our host and Lea and Mom for an hour or so. They’re all interested in things in the U.S., how people live, how much things cost. We enjoy hearing about life in Croatia. Lea tells us that she doesn’t drive, because getting a license is so expensive. You need to pay for three months’ of driving lessons, then after a series of tests for each stage, you pay about $500 to take the final driving test, which you will probably fail so you can pay $500 to take it again. So a simple driver’s license can cost as much as $2000, USD!
            When we leave, they say how much they enjoy having us at their home. They’ve gotten used to thinking “Oh, Bob and Patricia are upstairs!” How they’ll miss us when we’re gone. It’s so nice to be treated like family.

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