Saturday, July 6, 2013

July 2nd, Day at the Beach

7/2       Tuesday
            Bob has left his computer’s power adapter at our last apartment. We can take the bus back to retrieve it, but instead, we ask around the city and manage to find an electronics supply shop. Success! And for less than the price of bus fare. Now we can enjoy the city’s expansive, sandy beach, a real treat for Bob. The water is shallow out for about 100 yards to the buoy border, and the entire bottom is soft sand. We rent two lounge chairs and an umbrella for the day, $12!
         After our swim, we go back to our rooms, and find our host and family sitting at their patio table on the floor below us. We’re invited to join them for a glass of wine from their own vineyards. We have an enjoyable visit with our host, his mom and his girlfriend. His mother doesn’t speak English, but his girlfriend is fluent. We have a good time talking about Croatia and their culture, telling them about the U.S., and how much we’re enjoying Europe. Croatia has just this week joined the E.U., and we hear mixed reviews of that from the people we’ve met. Croatians are extremely proud of their country, and have a real appreciation for the natural resources, especially the beautiful, clean water. Most say that the E.U. will increase prices for everything and jeopardize their environment.
We spend an hour talking, and they invite us to join them for a barbeque on Friday, something they like to do for their houseguests. We readily accept! Our host's mom gives us a big bottle of lavender shampoo as we leave.

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