Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 8th, Ferry to Hvar

7/8       Monday
            We put on our packs, say a final good-bye to our hosts, and head down the hill to the bus stop. I don’t think we’ll miss the hill. We’re just glad it’s all downhill today.
            The fast bus gets us to Split, no problem, then we pick up tickets for the ferry and have a coffee while we wait. The ferry station starts to fill up with back-packing young types, wearing Ray-Bans (the boys) and little sundresses (the girls). This is going to be a different kind of destination, we see. The ferry takes about 2 hours, slow and hot in the shade, too sunny in the breeze.
As we arrive in Starigrad, on Hvar, everyone starts piling up to rush off the ferry and grab a seat on the bus to Hvartown. We have a nice man waiting for us with a sign “Bob and Patricia.” This is Marco, our host’s father-in-law. He doesn’t speak much English, but welcomes us and drives us the 10 miles over the hills to our apartment.
We are very happy to find that we’re on flat ground, just across the block from the city center. We have a nice little place with a canopied table in the front patio. Our host, Daira arrives a few hours later, coming over from her job as an oncology nurse in Split. Her family has a summer home here in Hvar with the apartments. She registers us with the tourist bureau online, then takes us out for a short sightseeing drive.
We head out of town up over the rocky, piney hills to a small, old town on the ridge, famous for their lavender. We stop by the roadside an pick a handful of wild rosemary, oregano, sage and lavender, while a lazy burro watches from nearby. She cautions as we get out of the car, “There is small danger of snake, but is ok.” Apparently there are poisonous snakes on the island, and I’d actually love to see one. Not be bitten by one, just see one.
We wind back down the narrow road, and up to the Spanish castle fortress that overlooks the town and harbor for the “best view of all.” She wants to drive us up, to save us the steep, hot walk up the stairs from the harbor that most tourists suffer. We do appreciate this, and the view is wonderful, all the surrounding islands off the coast, sailboats and yachts in the sea, the town and the harbor. There’s a raucous cocktail party with a loud dj going on at the pier, with shouting and booming bass reaching us up at the fortress.
There are two girls in the adjacent apartment, who looks about fifteen, but must be older. They speak English, but with a heavy, cockney sort of accent so that we really can’t understand them. They seem to go out drinking all night and spend the afternoon talking about the boys they go with.
“I mean really, why do I always put myself in this position? I told myself, I would not kiss him, I just wasn’t going to kiss him, because then it would be all over, you know?” Yea, but then you like the attention, right?” Yea, it’s the sea an this hot guy an all, and then for some reason everybody thinks it’s ok to like, touch my ass, you know?”
This go on for quite a while, intermittently understandable, and continues as such for their whole stay.

 1 Video Included

Ferry Split to Hvar

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