Monday, July 29, 2013

July 20th, Dubrovnick Art and Swim

7/20     Saturday
            One thing we like about getting a tourist pass is that you have an easy directory to the major sites, some you might not visit otherwise, like the Marin Držić House. So we have a few more admissions included that we’ll finish off today.
            The Museum of Modern Art is housed in a great villa, the residential mansion of Božo Banac, overlooking the coast just a block away from the fortress walls. The villa is huge and impressive in itself, with great high ceilings, modern wrought iron railings and chandeliers, and a gigantic terrace that serves as the sculpture garden. It’s difficult to imagine anyone just living here, even Božo. The exhibit is a retrospective of a Dubrovnik artist, fauve-flavored landscapes and floral still lifes. It’s very enjoyable.
We have one more gallery on our ticket, in the city center. It’s a small townhouse. At the entry is a room memorializing Ron Brown, Secretary of Commerce under Clinton, who was killed with 34 others in a plane crash coming into Dubrovnik’s airport while on a mission to support post-war economic development. This event continues to feed numerous conspiracy theory enterprises. The room is locked, though, so we continue upstairs to see the small but elegant gallery showing a modern photo-realist artist.
Our obligations to our tourist card complete, we pick up our bus to the beach, heading back to the resort area for a different hotel beach. The Dubrovnik President is a four star hotel, and the beach area is really nice. We have a pleasant spot near a cement pier, looking out to the channel and islands around us. Soon, we realize that we’re at the hang-out spot for the local kids, and our view is filled with about fifteen or more teenagers.
The group ranges from very young teens to young adults, mostly boys. They immediately start up a fairly predictable male hierarchy behavior pattern of harassing and bothering one another. A round of spitting at each other starts up, and they all start chasing and spitting until one pushes the limits against another, over-spits, and the offended party leaves the group. The rest gather around to chastise the offender, while an ambassador goes off to placate the offended. Soon they’re all reconciled, and the offended party rejoins with a free punch allowed on the offender to restore equilibrium. It’s like watching social behavior on Animal Planet.
They start up a game of using a towel like a slingshot to launch each other off the pier. Two guys are designated launchers and the rest line up like at a waterpark ride, going over an over. A couple of the older guys are serious athletes, making complicated twisting back flip summersaults off the pier. They are all pretty entertaining.

1 Video Included

Art and Swim

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