Friday, July 5, 2013

June 29th, Stobreč Swim Day

6/29     Saturday
            We want to have a relaxing swim day today. We take a walk to the town across the bay, passing through the campground at the woods by the water in Stobreč. It’s a nice, three-star campground. There are no gigantic bus home campers, just small travel trailers with screen rooms attached to them, a few tents, and small bungalows to rent. As we get to the beach area, we have a rain delay. There’s a black cloud of thunderstorms heading toward us from the mountains, and another coming across the channel from Brac Island. It looks like we’ll have a massive downpour coming together. We take cover in a café and linger over a latte for about an hour. It rains, but lightly, and lets up enough for us to head back to Stobreč.
            By the time we reach our own beach, the sun is out and we have a beautiful day for a swim after all.

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