Saturday, June 29, 2013

June 18th, Zadar Old Town

6/18     Tuesday
            We walk into the old town of Zadar to meet our host. We’re on a hill in a residential area overlooking the walled city, not a bad 20 minute walk. Our host finds us at our designated café, where he spends a few minutes harassing the waiter, in Croatian, over his tepid double-priced latte. “Why am I paying twice the price to be served cold coffee? Do I have to talk to your manager? You can do this to me one time, it’s not going to happen a second time.” He’s very particular. He takes us to a friend’s café for coffee and pastry. He sits with us and has a “Is it too early for alcohol?” rum and coke. It’s very interesting to talk with him. He’s totally passionate about Croatia, and has big plans to make a business for himself with his apartments and others. He has personal experiences with the recent wars here, with losses of life and property in his family.
On our own again, we decide to hop on a ferry to nearby Precko, a little town on the island of Uglian just across the waters. It’s a very pleasant 20 minute ride, away from the heat in the city. We just walk along the waterfront and stop at a seaside café for mussels for lunch, a big platter of succulent, garlicky moules.
We head back up to our apartment, a small trudge in the evening traffic. Everyone uses the sidewalks as a parking lot, so you have to stay alert as you walk into the street half the time. We have leftover pizza and fresh salad for dinner.

1 Video Included

Zadar Old Town

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