Friday, June 21, 2013

June 5th, Zagreb Square

6/5       Wednesday
            We spend a few hours on the computer, setting up the next leg of our journey to Rovinj, a city on the Adriatic sea close to the border with Slovenia. We find an apartment, book it, and head out to the bus station to buy tickets for next week. All done!
            There’s a festival going on all through the city this week, and the central square has seating and sound systems set up, but unfortunately we’re at the break time, with a couple hours before the evening music starts. We get some information and make plans to get to a few of the venues tomorrow. Today, we just enjoy a coffee in the square, buy some fruit at the market and walk back home through more city streets. On one corner, there’s a statue of Nicolai Tesla, a national hero. He’s striking a pretty morose pose, sort of like The Thinker, only mopier. Understandably so, I guess. There are interesting small shops and cafes everywhere, tucked into the doorways and courtyards along the streets. We pass one shop that, from what I can see, sells racy lingerie outfits and such. The door is open and there’s a scruffy sort of guy in attendance, and he’s got the shop pet – a fluffy little white BUNNY!
            We’ll eat in again tonight – we’ve got plenty of arugula – for a third meat-free day. We’re almost feeling like ourselves again. We spend an hour or so in a café, enjoying the cool spring air, having a beer and writing our journals. Lots of people are out, walking home or having drinks with friends. 

1 Video Included

Zagreb Square


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