Tuesday, June 4, 2013

May 16th, Frankfurt to Prague

5/16     Thursday
            Up at 5:30 to catch our 7:15 bus to Prague. We settle in for a long drive, hitting stopped-up traffic after an hour or so, buses & trucks parked along the autobahn for construction or an accident. Let's hope we get to Prague before dark.
            We got through the bus ride ok, landed a little hot & disoriented at the bus station, but the travel center clerk was pretty helpful & we bought a couple of city maps. We had a bit of a haul up through the streets to our hotel, about 1.5 miles away, sort of uphill. Our packs felt heavy, we aren’t carrying them often enough to get used to the weight. But we arrived at our little hotel, in a nice residential district just two blocks from the main street which is full of stores, cafes & restaurants.  Prague is a little grittier than Frankfurt, there are scribbles of graffiti on some buildings, & some of the “Non-Stop” casino dives look pretty sketchy. It’s not much different than walking around NYC really. We settle into our room on the 5th floor & walk a few blocks to what looks like an old-time tavern. The room is decorated with wagon wheels, pottery & farm tools, heavy wooden tables, arched ceilings and lots of local types. Perfect. We order dinners, chicken & rice for Bob, Pork chop for me. We each get a half liter glass of Gambrinus beer for $1.25. Our dinners are enormous. My pork chop is garnished with a slab of bacon and a fried egg. Bob’s chicken & rice could feed us both easily. Next time we’ll know better. We enjoy our meals & pay the $21 tab. Back at the hotel, we have a little Slivovitz at the bar, where five young men, Irish we think, are lounging about with beers, waiting to go out. They’re wearing colorful stretchy onesies with masks, like Spiderman, each a different color: red, blue, pink, green. Their socks are fringed with matching color clothespins. We don’t ask.

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