Saturday, June 15, 2013

May 26th Prague, Museum & Mucha

5/26     Sunday
            We had hoped to have a day at the zoo, but it turned out to be cold, grey and rainy. We walked through the city with our umbrellas ad the rest of the dampened tourists. We found the Museum of Communism, and interesting collection representing the aspirations of Karl Marx and his followers, the awful reality of Stalin, and the rejection of the Velvet Revolution: posters, propaganda, photographs and video told the story.  Visitors walked silently, grimly through, the only sounds were from the creaking floorboards as everyone shuffled slowly through the rooms. This led us to visit Wenceslas Square, scene of the massive public protests of the nineties. Then we headed back to the main square, where we stopped at the Mucha Museum to see Ivan Lendl’s collection, much nicer and more interesting than we expected. Mucha was a definitive designer in the Art Nouveau movement, and created designs for posters, jewelry, postcards, wallpaper and currency.
We have our last Prague dinner at our favorite pub across the street from home, gnocchi and some schnitzel.

2 Videos Included

May 26th,  Prague, Museum of Communism

May 26th,  Prague,  Mucha Exibition 

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