Saturday, June 15, 2013

May 27th, Bus to Vienna

5/27     Monday
            A luxurious bus ride with Student Agency. Bob is in love with Student Agency. Thick, soft leather seats, each with its own tv screen. Complimentary beverage service, newspapers (Czech only), on-board bathroom (down a very steep stairway). Beautiful countryside. Crossing into Austria brings views of rolling hills of grapevines. We navigate the metro easily to get to our neighborhood, and walk about 8 blocks through the streets lined with stores, busy working people bustling around us. Found our hotel, a sprawling complex of low buildings, more of a hostel, but safe and clean, large rooms and comfortable beds. The neighborhood has less to offer in terms of pubs and restaurants, but we find a nice little Italian spot, completely empty for some reason, and have a very good pizza and salad dinner. The Euro is giving us sticker shock after the bonanza of the Czech crown, but we’ll have to get used to it.

1 Video Included

May 27th, Bus to Vienna

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