Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 26th, Stobrec Swim Day

6/26     Wednesday
            We have a working morning, booking our next reservations in Hvar and Dubrovnik. Now we’re ready for a swim. We only need to walk a few blocks to the rocks past the harbor, where the local kids jump off the rock formations into the deep waters.
            On the way, we stop at the pharmacy, where Bob has asked the clerk to order some sharp tweezers for him, gesturing a splinter in his paw, so the clerk said “I know what you mean, I can order for you.” We have learned that many items that are commonly available at your local K-mart or CVS are usually sold through the small pharmacies in Europe, and are sometimes surprisingly expensive.  We wanted hydrocortisone cream for bug bites, and found we needed to have a prescription for it. Ten ibuprofen tablets cost about $4.50. Our clerk greets us and brings over an assortment of…toenail clippers!
            Back at the waterfront, there are a just few people scattered along the walkway and swimming. I jump in while Bob relaxes on the side. There are lots of small fish in the water, and I cause a small feeding frenzy with some breadcrumbs. After a while, we head over to the city beach park. It’s easy water, warm and shallow, sandy bottom, and we both get in and enjoy the sea and sun.

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