Friday, June 7, 2013

May 18th, Prague Tower

5/18     Saturday
            We have to spend some time on the computer arranging our next accommodations in Vienna, but finally we're out for a big walk to the Petrin Tower, an Eiffel Tower replica at the top a hill in the park across the river. The city is packed with tourists today, making us appreciate our time Friday with hardly any crowds.
            The park is sprawling, and the hill is very steep, with sidewalks and paths latticed over the hill in a random, unstructured way, making it difficult to figure out how to get to the tower at the top. We had hoped to ride the funicular tram, being real fans of the funicular, but there were mobs of people waiting in line, so we walk instead, which would suit us fine, except for the constant guessing at the way. We make it to the top at last, and reach the lookout on the tower. It's another gorgeous day, and we can see the city and the countryside for miles.
            We get back to the plaza in time to see the famous anatomical clock chime the hour, and join in the swarm of uplifted faces. The clock was certainly a marvel at one time, though it seems a little tame in our age of robotics and CGI. The figures representing Vanity, Greed, and Lust shake their heads as Death, a skeleton, rings the bells of passing time. The twelve apostles parade past, carrying an item that identifies each one. A golden rooster flaps his wings and crows, welcoming another hour of life. The crowd shouts HURRAH. And we're done. Time for a beer under the canopies.

2 Videos Included

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