Saturday, June 15, 2013

May 28th, Vienna Mumok Art Museum

5/28     Tuesday
            We’re a little disappointed with our breakfast, back to the Germanic baloney and cheese with cucumber. No yogurt or fruit. GREAT coffee, though.
We need to explore our transportation options, both for getting around Vienna and for travel next week to Zagreb. We’ll make a stop at the metro and look for a tourist office. Vienna is all about the museums and grand coffeehouses, so we’ll want to explore both. With any luck, I’ll get to see the Lipizzans as well.
            We make it to the metro for our seven-day all metro tickets, which we use to take the metro to the Euro lines station and get our bus tickets for Zagreb next week. We take the metro into the city center, where they are doing a phenomenal job cleaning St. Steven’s Cathedral. It’s a beautiful, bustling city. The tourist office is nearby, & we get our tickets to the Lipizzans practice. Then, we have to stop for the seasonal asparagus menu at the museum sidewalk café at the Albertina. We have a lovely snack, and then our waiter overcharges us, doubling the price of our soda waters. A manager fixes it for us, coming back with “here you are, it’s fixed for you, thank you good bye” giving us two Euros for the three euro overcharge. Can no one add? Anyhoo…
            A short walk through the city streets, lined with luxury shops, gets us to the Museum Quarter, an enclosed block housing a grand public plaza and several museums, where we hope to visit the Leopold Museum. It’s closed Tuesdays, so we move on to the mumok, Museum of Modern Art, which is a delight, exhibiting influential artists from pre-expressionism to pop. Outside on the plaza, people are lounging on sculptural seating arrangements, enjoying the cafes, playing petanque.
            We walk back through the city to our neighborhood, coming across a street market, closed at 6pm, full of vendors, Arabic-seeming, selling meats, fish, cheeses, who knows what else. Back at our block, we have slim pickin’s for dinner. We linger over a beer at a café, and find ourselves having dinner at the only place open at 9pm, a Schnitzel Hous, fast food fried pork. Actually, your schnitzel is fried to order, so in that respect it’s a step up from American-style fast food. We have a beer and a schnitzel burger & consider it done.

3 Videos Included

May 28th, Vienna Mumok Parts 1, 2, 3

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