Wednesday, June 12, 2013

May 23rd, Prague Castle 2

5/23    Thursday

Today, we go TO THE CASTLE! It's cool out, maybe 60 degrees, a good day for the hike up the steep hill to the castle complex. There are plenty of tour groups around today. We buy tickets not for the 'short' tour, but for the 'long' tour, which as it turns out, is different from a 'complete' tour, since we're turned away from the Cathedral Treasury and Bell Tower because 'It's NOT on our ticket! We are not alone in this experience. Nonetheless, we have a fine day seeing the beautiful high gothic St. Vitus Cathedral, the Romanesque Basillica of St. George, the historic Old Castle, and an art collection of 16th century works.
    It's interesting to see the different sides of Prague. There's the Tourist Prague: the old town, Charles Bridge, the nice hotels and shops and churches in the historic main areas. Certainly the local Czechs enjoy their city, with the arts and culture available: the National Philharmonic, National Ballet, The State Opera House, National Theater and more. There's also a persistent energy going on with so many hostels, affordable beers, a lively club scene and all sorts of 'fests' that draws young people from all over the world. They're tromping through the town square in groups of ten or more, toting iphones and backpacks, having conversations en masse. This is why everyone loves Prague. We feel lucky to see another side in our little apartment, more of the flavor of daily life, walking along with the locals commuting into work, stepping around the little dogs trotting down the sidewalk - Czechs love their dogs, dogs can ride the trams and buses, sit in the cafés, hang out - shopping at the supermarket, enjoying a Gambrinus in a pub where no one speaks English.

1 Video Included

May 23rd, Prague Castle 2

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